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해외 자매대학 및 기관

우리 대학교는 세계 60여 개국 400여개 대학 및 기관과 자매결연을 체결하고 있으며, 광범위한 국제 교류 네트워크를 지니고 있습니다. 약 300명의 학생들이 매년 자매대학 및 기관과의 다양한 교류 활동에 적극적으로 참여하고 있습니다.


해외 자매 대학
아시아 해외 자매 대학을 국가와 대학으로 나타낸 표 입니다.
국가 대학
네팔 Tribhuvan University
Kathmandu University
대만 Chinese Culture University
Feng Chia University
Fu Jen Catholic University
National Chung Cheng University
National Taiwan Normal University
National Taiwan University of Arts
National University of Kaohsiung
Shih Hsin University
Soochow University
Tunghai University
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
라오스 Lao-Korean College
마카오 Macau University of Science and Technology
The University of Macau
몽골 National University of Mongolia
Ulaanbaatar University
미얀마 University of Yangon
Yangon Institute of Economics
방글라데시 University of Dhaka
베트남 Hanoi Polytechnic College
Ho Chi Minh City University of Education
Thai Nguyen University
University of Danang
Thu Duc College of Technology
VNU University of Languages & International Studies
University of Transport Technology
스리랑카 University of Colombo
University of Moratuwa
University of Peradeniya
싱가폴 Nanyang Polytechnic (School of Business Management)
아프가니스탄 Balkh University
우즈베키스탄 Andijan State University
Banking and Finance Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ferghana State University
National Institute of Fine Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Bekhzod
Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering named after Mirzo Ulugbek
Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction
Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry
Tashkent State University of Economics
University of World Economy and Diplomacy
인도 Indian Statistical Institute
인도네시아 BINUS (BINA NUSANTARA) University
IPMI International Business School
Universitas Kristen Petra
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Universitas Indonesia
Universitas Kristen Maranatha
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
일본 Aoyama Gakuin University
Baiko Gakuin University
Bunka Gakuen University
Fukuoka University
Fukuoka Institute of Technology
Gakushuin University
Hiroshima Shudo University
J. F. Oberlin University
Kansai Gaidai University
Kanto Gakuin University
Meio University
Momoyama Gakuin University
Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies
Ochanomizu University
Seigakuin University
Shiga University
The University of Shimane
University of the Ryukyus
University of Tsukuba
중국 Beijing Foreign Studies University
Beijing Jiaotong University
Beijing Language & Culture University
Beijing Technology & Business University
Beijing University of Technology
Capital Normal University
Changchun college of architecture
Changchun University
China Academy of Art
China University of Petroleum
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Communication University of China
Dalian Polytechnic University
Dongbei University of Finance & Economics
Donghua University
East China Normal University
Fudan University
Guangzhou Sport University
Hangzhou Normal University
Harbin University of Science and Technology(Rongcheng)
Hebei Normal University
Henan Polytechnic University
Henan University of Economics and Law
Huazhong University of Science & Technology
Hunan Normal University
Hunan University of Arts and Science
Inner Mongolia Vocational Institute of Economy Trade&Foreign Languages
Jiangsu Ocean University
Jilin University
Lanzhou University
Nanchang University
Nanjing Normal University
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Nankai University
Nanyang Institute Of Technology
North China University Of Water Resources And Electric Power
Northeast Normal University
Northwest University
Qufu Normal University
Renmin University of China
Shandong Academy of Social Sciences
Shandong University
Shandong University at Weihai
Shanghai Business School
Shanghai Normal University(SHNU)
Shenyang Conservatory of Music
Shenyang Sport University
Sichuan Conservatory of Music
Sichuan Normal University
Sichuan University
Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
Tonghua Normal University
Wuhan College of Foreign Languages and Foreign Affairs
Wuhan University
Xinyang University
Yanbian University
Yanbian University of Science & Technology
Zhejiang International Studies University
Zhejiang Wanli University
Zhengzhou Normal University
Zhongyuan University of Technology
Zhuhai College of Jilin University
카자흐스탄 Almaty Technological University
Karaganda State Technical University
Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages
Kazakh Kurmangazy National Conservatory
캄보디아 Life University
Royal University of Phnom Penh
키르기스스탄 Kyrgyz National University
타지키스탄 Tajik State Institute of Languages
Tajik State University of Commerce
태국 Assumption University
Christian University of Thailand
Eastern Asia University
Kasem Bundit University
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok
Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
Thammasat University
University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
Uttaradit Rajabhat University
파키스탄 National University of Modern Languages
The University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir
필리핀 Ateneo De Manila University
Bulacan State University
Our Lady of Fatima University
Silliman University
University of St. La Salle
University of the Philippines Diliman
West Negros University
Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod
홍콩 Education University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Baptist University
Lingnan University
해외 협력 기관
아시아 해외협력기관을 국가와 대학으로 나타낸 표 입니다.
국가 기관
스리랑카 Thilanga Sumathipala Foundation
우즈베키스탄 Institute of Oriental Studies Academy of Sciences named after Abu Raykhan Beruni
UNESCO IICAS (International Institute for Central Asian Studies)
주 우즈베키스탄 대한민국 대사관
일본 Chitose International Exchange Club
Yamasan Fujiya Group
중국 The Office of Chinese Language Council International
캄보디아 Korea Business Center
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
필리핀 Commission of Higher Education, the Philippines
홍콩 LEWI(David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies)


해외 자매 대학
중남미의 해외 자매대학을 국가와 대학으로 나타낸 표 입니다.
국가 대학
멕시코 National Autonomous University of Mexico(UNAM)
Universidad de Guadalajara
Universidad de las Americas, Puebla (UDLAP)
Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla(UPAEP)
University of Colima
브라질 Pontificia Universidade Catolica Do Rio de Janeiro(PUC-Rio)
Universidade de Sao Paulo (FEA-RP/USP)
칠레 Universidad Mayor
콜롬비아 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Universidad de La Salle
Universidad de Santo Tomas
페루 Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos
University of Engineering Lima (Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria)


해외 자매 대학
오세아니아의 해외 자매 대학을 국가와 대학으로 나타낸 표 입니다.
국가 대학
뉴질랜드 Victoria University of Wellington
호주 Swinburne College
University of Adelaide
University of Canberra
University of Wollongong


해외 자매 대학
유럽의 해외 자매 대학을 국가와 대학으로 나타낸 표 입니다.
국가 대학
네덜란드 Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen
University of Maastricht
노르웨이 BI Norwegian Business School
University of Bergen
덴마크 University of Southern Denmark
독일 Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Mannheim
Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin
Fachhochschule Dusseldorf University of Applied Sciences
Hof University of Applied Sciences
Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences
Technishen Universitat Chemnitz
University of Augsburg
University of Bayreuth
University of Passau
러시아 Artic State Institute of Arts and Culture
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
St. Petersburg Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov
St. Petersburg State University
Udmurt State University
Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
루마니아 University of Bucharest
세르비아 University of Belgrade
스웨덴 Linnaeus University
스페인 Universidad de Burgos
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
University of Almeria
University of Barcelona
University of Castilla-La Mancha
Universidad de Malaga
슬로베니아 University of Ljubljana
아일랜드 National University of Ireland Maynooth
영국, 스코틀랜드 Northumbria University
Robert Gordon University
The University of Edinburgh
University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN)
오스트리아 Fachhochschule Kufstein Tirol-University of Applied Sciences
Management Center Innsbruck
우크라이나 South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky
이탈리아 Conservatorio Statale di Musica C.Pollini
Domus Academy
체코 Brno University of Technology
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava
폴란드 Cracow University of Economics
Fryderyk Chopin University of Music
Jagiellonian University
Opole University of Technology
University of Warsaw
프랑스 ECE Paris, Ecole D'ingenieurs
Institut Polytechnique des Sciences Avancees (IPSA)
IT Paris Eiffel
Universite Michel De Montaigne Bordeaux Ⅲ
WEB School Factory
EKLYA School of Business
HYBRIA Institute of Business and Technologies
European Business School (EBS PARIS)
Institut Superieur de Management et Communication(ISMAC)
핀란드 Lappeenranta University of Technology
Tampere University
University of Eastern Finland
헝가리 Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Semmelweis University
Eötvös Loránd University
해외 협력 기관
아시아 해외협력기관을 국가와 대학으로 나타낸 표 입니다.
국가 기관
네덜란드 Stichting Hamel Foundation
독일 Bfz-Essen e.V. Berufsfoerderungszentrum Essen
Fraunhofer-Institut for Software-Und Systemtechnik
Goethe Institut Korea (주한독일문화원)
러시아 Center for TORFL, Saint-Petersburg State University
Center for Education, Lomonosov Moscow State University
루마니아 Institute of Physical Chemistry "I.G.Murgulescu"
벨기에 AEC(Association Europeenne des Conservatoires)
스페인 Embassy of Spain in Korea
이탈리아 Istituto Italiano di Cultura-Seoul
Laureate Italian Art&Design Education (NABA and DA)
헝가리 Chemical Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences


해외 자매 대학
아프리카의 해외 자매 대학을 국가와 대학으로 나타낸 표 입니다.
국가 대학
에티오피아 Adama Science & Technology
Kotebe Metropolitan University
짐바브웨 University of Zimbabwe
케냐 Maseno University
탄자니아 University of Dodoma


해외 자매 대학
북미의 해외 자매 대학을 국가와 대학으로 나타낸 표 입니다.
국가 대학
캐나다 Algoma University
Capilano University
Vancouver Island University
Western Ontario University
Medicine Hat College
미국 Arcadia University
Auburn University
Berea College
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
California State University, Fresno
California State University, Fullerton
Christopher Newport University
DigiPen Institute of Technology
East Tennessee State University
Eastern Michigan University
Georgia Southern University
Hope International University
King College
Lander University
Long Island University
Marshall University
Murray State University
New York Theological Seminary
Southeast Missouri State University
State University of New York, Oswego
The University of Mississippi
University of Alabama
University of California, Irvine Extension
University of Delaware
University of Hawai'i at Manoa Outreach college
University of Missouri-Kansas City
University of Nebraska Lincoln
University of North Texas
University of Rhode Island
University of Southern Indiana
University of the Incarnate Word
University of Toledo
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Utah State University
Washington State University
Wayne State University
Western Michigan University
Whitworth College
해외 협력 기관
남미의 해외 협력 기관을 국가와 대학으로 나타낸 표 입니다.
국가 기관
미국 International Parish Nurse Resource Center
ISEP(International Student Exchange Program)
University Research Park(Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)


해외 자매 대학
중동의 해외 자매 대학을 국가와 대학으로 나타낸 표 입니다.
국가 대학
바레인 Ahlia University
이란 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
University of Isfahan
터키 Ankara University
Bahcesehir University
Bogazici University
Istanbul University
Izmir University
Karabuk University
Pamukkale University
해외 협력 기관
중동의 해외 협력 기관을 국가와 대학으로 나타낸 표 입니다.
국가 기관
사우디아라비아 Cultural Mission of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
터키 ESRUC(Eurasian Silk Road Universities Consortium)
Safranbolu Municipality
The International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY)
Yunus Emre Institute
ESRUC(Eurasian Silk Road Universities Consortium)
  • 자료 담당부서국제교류팀
  • 연락처580-6023


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