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Opening the Light to the WorldAdams Chapel

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Adams Chapel

Adams Chapel

Located high on the flank of Kungsan Hill above the Keimyung University's Seongseo Campus, the Edward Adams Hall of Worship and Praise (known as the Adams Chapel) was built to honor the achievements of missionary Edward Adams, one of the founders of Keimyung University.

The Adams Hall of Worship and Praise has three towers on the facade and a central domed tower. Those three towers in front (the two to the right of the center and one to the left) represent Keimyung University's educational precept, "truth", "justice", and "love", and the central dome represents "the Kingdom of God". The seven round columns in the main chapel represent the seven early churches in Asia referred to in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. In the main chapel there is a beautiful pipe organ built by Karl Schuke company of Germany. On the front of the organ are three crowns, underneath each of which are arranged seven pipes. These represent the Holy Trinity, as well as the seven angels with seven trumpets as recorded in the Book of Revelation.

In addition, the Adams Chapel has over 160 stained glass windows of various sizes. The stained glass window depict the twelve disciples of Christ, the three Wise Men, the Ten Commandments, the judgement of Solomon, and other stories from the Bible.

The pipe organ, the stained glass, the chapel chairs, and the marble of the columns of the Adams Chapel were all made possible through the generous donations from those wishing to support Keimyung University.

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Update date2018-03-28