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Opening the Light to the WorldInternational Lounge

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Welcome to the International Lounge

International Lounge

The International Lounge officially opened on March 17, 2006. On average, the lounge accommodates between 250-300 visitors every day, totaling approximately 1,500 visitors per week. The lounge offers a unique experience for members of the Keimyung community by providing them with a local atmosphere that many would otherwise have to travel abroad to find. Resources and information regarding international issues and cultures are available there, and visitors are encouraged to practice their language skills and meet new friends. The lounge offers a wide range of resources, including international films, music, books and a variety of social and cultural gatherings.

For more information, please visit International Lounge's website. Homepage

  • Web masterInternational Affairs Team
  • Tel+82-53-580-6027

Update date2018-07-05