Keimyung Hanhakchon (Keimyung Culture Village)
Hanhakchon is a traditional Korean village where students can experience and learn about traditional Korean culture. Many traditional Korean culture classes are held here for both international and domestic students. Hanhakchon includes the Keimyung Seodang, a private village elementary-level school consisting of a class of 10-20 students. In the past, Seodang was a place that provided basic education including reading, writing, and introductory classes on the Chinese classics. Hanhakchon also offers traditional Korean houses, gardens, and other facilities such as the Scholar’s Bridge. It displays elements of Korean life and culture and elegantly illustrates traditional Korean architectural styles. Hanhakchon is located in the middle of the campus, but once students and guests enter Hanhakchon, they feel completely removed from modern times, as though they have gone back in time to the Korean past.