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Opening the Light to the WorldDual Degree Program

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Joint Program with F. Chopin University of Music in Poland

Access to Courses Taught by Polish Professors from the F. Chopin University of Music Keimyung has established itself as one of the finest music education institutes in Korea.
Never resting on its laurels, however, in order to improve the quality of music education offered to its students, it opened the Keimyung-Chopin Music University, in close collaboration with the F. Chopin University of Music in Poland, a music education institute with a well-established international reputation. As a Korean replication of the aforementioned institute, the Keimyung-Chopin Music University provides musical education of exceptional quality, ensured by the fact that twelve resident Polish professors select 30 students every year from among the entering class of the College of Music of Keimyung through a process of highly competitive auditions and in-depth interviews.

  • Departments
    • Department of Composition
    • Department of Keyboard Instruments
    • Department of Orchestral Instruments
    • Department of Vocal Music
  • Degrees
    • Bachelor's of music
    • Master's of music
  • Contact Information
    • Address : Keimyung F. Chopin University of Music, Keimyung University, 1095 Dalgubeoldaero, Dalseo-Gu, Daegu, Korea
    • Tel : +82-53-580-6581, 6522

Dual Bachelor Program with Eastern Michigan University

With our Dual Degree Program (DDP), students are able to receive degrees from both the College of Business Administration, Keimyung University (CBA, KMU) and the College of Business, Eastern Michigan University (COB, EMU) in four years. Additional benefits from the two universities are also available.

What is the EMU Dual Degree Program?

  • DDP participants will receive their bachelor’s degrees from both CBA, KMU and COB, EMU after spending their freshmen and sophomore years at KMU and junior and senior years at EMU.

Introduction of Eastern Michigan University (EMU)

  • Established in 1849
  • Approximately 24,000 students and 1,260 professors
  • Distinguished educational service (the ratio of students to professors is 9:1)
  • One of the best Midwestern colleges

Introduction of College of Business, Eastern Michigan University (COB, EMU)

  • Four departments and approximately 3,250 students
  • Accredited by the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)
  • “One of the most outstanding business schools for the fifth consecutive year” (Princeton Review)
  • “One of the top 10 schools for entrepreneurship emphasis” (Entrepreneurship Magazine)

Participating departments and the maximum number of students each academic year

  • Department of Management: 20 students
  • Department of Accounting: 10 students
  • Department of Management Information Systems: 10 students

Types of Scholarships and benefits

Types of Scholarships and benefits
Class Benefits Common Benefits
KMU-EMU BISA Scholar The total four-year tuition fee at KMU
The total two-year tuition fee at EMU
The total cost for the overseas training program (twice)
A round-trip plane ticket to EMU
The total tuition fee for graduate programs (Masters degree: two years and Doctoral degree: three years) at KMU
Special language training program
One-on-one counseling service
Special language training program
KMU-EMU BISA Excellence The total four-year tuition fee at KMU
The total two-year tuition fee at EMU
The total cost for the overseas training program (once)
A one-way plane ticket to EMU
One-on-one counseling service
KMU-EMU BISA Truth The total four-year tuition fee at KMU
$16,686 exemption from the annual ‘out-of-state’ EMU tuition fee of $28,619.75 (based on 36 credits, 2010 academic year)
KMU-EMU BISA Justice Half of two-year tuition fee at KMU
The total two-year KMU tuition fee while studying at EMU
$16,686 exemption from the annual ‘out-of-state’ EMU tuition fee of $28,619.75 (based on 36 credits, 2010 academic year)
Types of Scholarships and benefits
Class National College Entrance Exam English
KMU-EMU BISA Scholar Students must be rated above the level 2 at four parts (The English part must be above the level 2) TOEIC: minimum 950 points, TOEFL IBT: minimum 106 points , TOEFL CBT: minimum 263 points, IELTS: minimum 8.0
KMU-EMU BISA Excellence Students must be rated above the level 2 at three parts (The English part must be above the level 2) TOEIC: minimum 900 points, TOEFL IBT: minimum 101 points, TOEFL CBT: minimum 253 points, IELTS: minimum 7.5
KMU-EMU BISA Truth Students must be rated above the class 2 at two parts (The English part must be above 2) TOEIC: minimum 850 points, TOEFL IBT: minimum 95 points, TOEFL CBT: minimum 240 points, IELTS: minimum 7.0
KMU-EMU BISA Justice Students must be rated above the class 2.5 at two parts (The English part must be above 2) TOEIC: minimum 800 points, TOEFL IBT: minimum 88 points, TOEFL CBT: minimum 230 points, IELTS: minimum 6.5
  • Scholarships
  • Admission Requirements
  • Students score lower than 40 percent for the oral interview are excluded from the BISA Scholar, Excellence, and Truth.
  • For the national college entrance exam, the average score of the higher two of the science sections will be applicable. The second foreign language part and the Chinese part will not be included.
  • In order to maintain their scholarship, students must meet KMU G.P.A and associated requirements.

Procedure for Taking the DDP

Types of Scholarships and benefits
CBA KMU Admission to CBA, KMU (apply for the DDP when submit application forms)
At the end of the first semester
(The national college entrance exam scores and the first semester GPA will be evaluated. Students must complete designated study programs and courses including two courses in English every semester).
Final approval
At the end of the third semester
(Students have to receive higher than 3.5 GPA and 61 points in IBT TOEFL ) and complete designated study programs and courses including two courses in English).
Going through the required official processes and depart to EMU at the end of the fourth semester
COB EMU Studying at EMU During junior and senior years
A special benefit will be offered- $16,686 exemption from the annual ‘out-of-state’ EMU tuition fee of $28,619.75 (based on 36 credits, 2010 academic year)
Types of Scholarships and benefits

Diploma of CBA KMU

Diploma of COB EMU

Contact: Administrative office, CBA, KMU ☎ 82-53-580-6361~3

Dual Degree Program with DigiPen Institute of Technology

Keimyung University's Department of Game and Mobile Contents offers the perfect environment and knowledge base required to succeed in this fast growing industry. We are committed to developing the highest level of technology through academic-industrial collaborative programs that involve over 70 world class companies and renowned global research institutions. Our department is supported by Daegu City in pursuit of its plans to establish the area as a center for the development of games, mobile contents, and communication technology.

International Exchange Program
  • The DigiPen-Keimyung dual degree in Real-Time Interactive Simulation (RTIS) is offered in conjunction with the DigiPen Institute of Technology, which is renowned as the finest school offering a four-year video game production degree in the USA. Students are taught by visiting DigiPen faculty at Keimyung University for five semesters. Those who successfully complete this program may then apply to DigiPen Institute of Technology's campuses in Redmond, Washington or in Singapore to complete their dual degree without further admission requirements.
Course Sequence
Course Sequence
semester 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
course KMU B.E.
in Game&Mobile Contents
DigiPen B.S. in RTIS
faculty KMU DigiPen
campus Keimyung University DigiPen in USA/Singapore
  • After completing nine semesters students are awarded a Bachelor of Engineering in Game and Mobile Contents from Keimyung University and a Bachelor of Science in RTIS from DigiPen Institute of Technology.
Game Experts
  • The Department of Game and Mobile Contents is equipped with cutting-edge facilities such as computer labs and seminar rooms as well as a supporting office to help satisfy student needs. This environment was created with the aid of a USD100 million grant from the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology to help establish a world-class environment where academia and industries cooperate for the benefit of students and for the advancement of science.
    The faculty, which consists of accomplished academic and industry professionals from Keimyung and DigiPen Institute of Technology, not only teach the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of game development, but also encourage team work and artistic creativity. A wide variety of academic-industry partnerships help students achieve their goals.
Contact Information
  • Address : Department of Game and Mobile Contents, Keimyung University, 1095 Dalgubeol-daero, Daegu 704-701, Korea
  • Tel : +82-53-580-5708, +82-53-580-6684

Dual Degree Program with Saint-Petersburg State University

Students enrolled in the Department of Russian Language and Literature at Keimyung University now have a chance to complete their degree at Saint-Petersburg State University. After finishing the first 2.5 years of their program at Keimyung, they can then transfer the credits they earned to Saint Petersburg State University, where they will complete the last two years of study. The goal is for Keimyung University students to be able to complete all requirements necessary for separate undergraduate degrees from both universities. This program has been in operation since fall 2007, and will contribute to the continued development of the department of Russian Language and Literature.

Contact Information
  • Address : Administratiive Office of Humanities
  • Tel : +82-53-580-5012

Dual Degree with Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai China

In order to assist in the internationalization of Korean businesses Keimyung University students are offered the chance to study at Shanghai Normal University, China. Those studying for a bachelor degree in economics, international commerce, E-trade and consumer information science for first two years at Keimyung University can transfer their credits to Shanghai Normal University. After successfully completing further requirements in Shanghai, students can be confident with bachelor degrees from both Keimyung University and Shanghai Normal University. The normal structure of the program is 2 years at Keimyung University followed by 2.5 years at Shanghai Normal University including six months of language training.

Dual Bachelor's Degree Program with Beijing Language and Culture University

Students at the department of Chinese Studies at Keimyung University are provided with the opportunity to get dual degrees with Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU). Founded in 1962, BLCU has earned an international reputation as the foremost institution in China, in which foreign students learn Chinese language and culture. Since 2008, Keimyung University and BLCU have agreed that students enrolled at the department of Chinese Studies are allowed to apply for a dual degree program. Selected students in the program study at Keimyung University for two and half years, then go to BLCU to study for two more years. Those who complete all the requirements can receive a bachelor's degree from each university.

Contact Information
  • Address : Department of Chinese Studies, Keimyung University, 2800 Dalgubeoldaero, Dalseo-Gu, Daegu, Korea
  • Tel : +82-53-580-5791

Dual Degree Program with University of Nebraska-Lincoln

KAC (Keimyung Adams College) concluded a dual-degree agreement with University of Nebraska-Lincoln(UNL) in April 2009. KAC students complete their first and second years at KMU KAC and their third and fourth years at UNL, and then receive a degree from each university at the same time if graduation standards have been met. As early as 2011, students participating in the program will begin their studies though the dual-degree program at UNL, which was selected by US News & World Report as 89th in the US University Rankings of 2009. Sending students to top 100 American university through this degree convention means that KMU’s international stature and tradition, and KAC’s educational advantage are of the highest international standards.

Contact Information
  • Address : KAC Administration Office, Keimyung University, 2800 Dalgubeoldaero, Dalseo-Gu, Daegu, Korea 704-701
  • Tel : +82-53-580-6502-3


This Dual Degree program enables students to receive degrees from both the College of Business Administration (CBA), Keimyung University (KMU) and Victoria Business School (VBS) of Victoria University of Wellington (VUW), New Zealand (NZ) within four years.

This program provides many added values and flexibility. In particular, students who come to VUW to study are allowed to work up to 20 hours during each semester and 40 hours during holidays. When students graduate from VUW, they can apply for a post-study work visa which allows students to stay one full year to find a suitable job in NZ. The graduates who are armed with a degrees from KMU and VUW and working experience in NZ will be able to go to anywhere in the world and pursue their dream.

Articulation Program (AP) KMU and VUW Dual Degree Pathway
  • Complete two years at KMU, transfer to Victoria University for two years and graduate with a VUW Bachelor of Commerce and KMU Bachelor of Business. Tourism Management students will study for 3 years at VUW.
    Choose from 13 VUW Business Majors: Accounting, Actuarial Science, Commercial Law, Economics, Finance, Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, Information Systems, International Business, Management, Marketing, Public Policy, Taxation, Tourism Management.
    Only one major is required in a VUW degree, but two majors are possible with good degree planning.
Participating departments and the number of students who can be selected each semester
  • Students who study in any department of CBA, KMU can apply.
  • In every semester, CBA would nominate up to 5 students.
In order to qualify to study at VUW each student must
  • Study at least four semesters with CBA, KMU
  • have a 3.5 average
  • Satisfy one of the English requirements listed below
Satisfy one of the English requirements listed below
TYPE Condition
IELTS Min 5.5 for each sub-score, overall band score 6.0 or higher
PTE 58 with a communicative score of no less than 50.
VUW EPP EPP is a 12 week full-time intensive English Proficiency Programme at Victoria that students can take if they do not meet the language requirements before they transfer to Victoria. EPP is accepted as an alternative to IELTS, TOEFL or PTE. Some students may need to complete EPP more than once to meet the language requirements.
Victoria Business School

Victoria’s Business School accreditations mean the degrees from VBS will be recognized by any country in the world.

  • Victoria Business School is among just 73 business schools worldwide that hold the 'Triple Crown' of international accreditations:
    • European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS)
    • Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) in business and accounting
    • Association of MBAs (AMBA).
  • Our accounting programmes hold accreditations from:
    • Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
    • Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
    • CPA Australia
    • Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
  • Our tourism management programmes have been accredited by:
    • TedQual (World Tourism Organisation).
Victoria University...
  • Is ranked 1st in New Zealand for Research Quality
  • Is in the top 1% of universities in the world for 15 subject areas. Accounting and Finance are ranked in the top 100 globally
  • Is one of only 73 universities worldwide that hold the triple crown of international commerce accreditations by AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS
  • Has 3 campuses spread across Wellington city
  • Has over 21,000 students including 2,800 international students
New Zealand...
  • Is ranked the 4th Most Peaceful Country, according to the Global Peace Index
  • Students enjoy a healthy study/life balance - some say it’s the best in the world. You can live in an urban environment within easy reach of New Zealand’s stunning landscape and wide open spaces
  • Is about the same size as UK or Japan but with only 4.4 million people
  • Has a rich and fascinating history, reflecting a unique mix of Māori, Pacific and European culture
  • Has an internationally acclaimed film industry, creating major blockbusters such as The Lord of the Rings trilogy, King Kong, Tintin and The Hobbit trilogy.
Benefits and Scholarships
  • KMU-Victoria dual degree students receive a 15% tuition fee discount scholarship for the first year of study
  • A special scholarship from CBA, KMU to those students who go to VUW.
  • With a New Zealand student visa, most international students can work up to 20 hours a week during term time, and up to 40 hours a week during the holidays.
  • Upon graduation, students can apply for a post-study work visa which allows them to stay and actively find their job in NZ for one year.
KMU / VUW Credit Schedule for the programme:
  • Students who want to participate in the program must take the KMU courses listed below.
Students who want to participate in the program must take the KMU courses listed below
KMU Course Code KMU Course
Korean Title English Title
27724 & 20781 회계원리 & 관리회계원리 Introduction to Accounting & Principles of Management Accounting
22096 통계자료분석 Introduction to Business Statistics
20712 경제학의 이해 Introduction to Economics
10864 경영정보학원론 Introduction to Management Information Systems
20708 경영학의 이해 Introduction to Management
21025 마케팅 원론 Principles of Marketing
26371 비즈니스 프로그래밍(1) Business Programming (1)
20633 e-비즈니스 e-Business
27892* 호텔관광서비스론 Hotel and Tourism Service Management
11325* 관광학원론 Introduction to Travel and Tourism

*For Bachelor of Tourism Management students only. Tourism students should take these (*) courses, 20633, and at least 4 of the other required courses.

  • Web masterInternational Affairs Team
  • Tel+82-53-580-6023, +82-53-580-6027

Update date2018-05-04