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Exchange Programs with International Organizations

International Student Exchange Program (ISEP)

ISEP is a network of over 300 colleges and universities in 56 countries cooperating to provide affordable access to international education for a diverse student population. ISEP students gain intercultural competence through integration into their host institution and host culture while exploring the international dimensions of their academic field.

KMU has been a member of ISEP since 1998 and is currently one of its seven member institutes in Korea including Korea, Yonsei, Ewha Womans, Ajou, Hanyang and University of Seoul. ISEP exchanges allow students from the USA and 55 other countries to study at member universities for either a semester or a full academic year.

For more information, please visit ISEP's official website at

  • Web masterInternational Affairs Team
  • Tel+82-53-580-6023

Update date2018-03-30