- 단행본
- Susana Roque-Malo, Qina Yan, 우동국, Jennifer L. Druhan, Praveen Kumar , Biogeochemistry of the Critical Zone, Springer Nature, 2022
- 수상
- 우수발표 논문상, 한국수자원학회, 2023-05-26
- 우수발표 논문상, 한국수자원학회, 2023-05-26
- 우수발표 논문상, 한국수자원학회, 2023-05-26
- 우수논문상, , 2021-10-22
- 우수발표 논문상, , 2022-05-20
- 우수발표 논문상, , 2021-06-04
- 논문
- 우동국, 지정후, 송호민, Subsurface drainage pipe detection using an ensemble learning approach and aerial images, Agricultural Water Management, 287, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2023-07-25
- 조지현, 우동국, 기후 스트레스 시나리오에 따른 국내 다목적댐 이수인전도 평가, 한국수자원학회 논문집, 57(6), 0, 전국규모전문학술지(Domestic Professional Journals - NRF Registered), 2024-06-10
- 노성진, 이가림, 김보미, 이송희, 조지현, 우동국, Climate change impact assessment on water resources management using a combined multi-model approach in South Korea, Journal of Hydrology-Regional Studies, 53, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2024-05-18
- 우동국, Potential reduction in carbon fixation capacity under climate change in a Pinus koraiensis forest, Forest Ecosystems, 11, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2024-03-05
- Esther Lee, 서용원, 우동국, Enhanced environmental and economic benefits of green roofs in a humid subtropical region under future climate, ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 201, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2024-02-24
- 이승민, 우동국, 최하진, Contactless estimation of soil moisture using leaky Rayleigh waves and a fully convolutional network, VADOSE ZONE JOURNAL, 22(6), -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2023-09-18
- 노성진, 이가림, 김보미, 조지현, 우동국, 강우-유출 및 저수지 운영 연계 모의를 통한 기후변화의 이수안전도 및 홍수위험도 영향 분석: 합천댐 유역 사례, 한국수자원학회 논문집, 56(11), 765-774, 전국규모전문학술지(Domestic Professional Journals - NRF Registered), 2023-10-30
- 서용원, 권유정, 황준식, 우동국, A Comparative Experimental Study of Green Roofs based on Radiation Budget and Surface Energy Balance, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, 27(4), 1866-1880, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2023-02-14
- 우동국, 서용원, Effects of elevated temperature and abnormal precipitation on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a Pinus densiflora forest, FRONTIERS IN FORESTS AND GLOBAL CHANGE, 5, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2022-12-05
- 우동국, 조지현, 강부식, 이송희, 이가림, 노성진, 집중형 모형 IHACRES와 GR4J를 이용한 강수 및 기온 변동성에 대한 유출 해석 민감도 평가, 대한토목학회논문집(국문), 43(1), 43-54, 전국규모전문학술지(Domestic Professional Journals - NRF Registered), 2023-02-01
- 이가림, 이송희, 김보미, 우동국, 노성진, airGRdatassim을 이용한 앙상블 기반 수문자료동화 기법의 비교 및 불확실성 평가, 한국수자원학회 논문집, 55(10), 761-774, 전국규모전문학술지(Domestic Professional Journals - NRF Registered), 2022-10-01
- 우동국, 도원석, 홍진영, 최하진, A Novel and Non-Invasive Approach to Evaluating Soil Moisture without Soil Disturbances: Contactless Ultrasonic System, SENSORS, 22(19), -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2022-09-30
- 우동국, William J. Riley, Robert F. Grant, Yuxin Wu, Site-specific field management adaptation is key to feeding the world in the 21st century, AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 327, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2022-12-15
- 우동국, 도원석, The Role of Forests in Climate Change Regarding Carbon, Nitrogen, and Water: A Case Study of Pinus densiflora, WATER, 13(21), -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2021-11-01
- Molly R. Cain, 우동국, Praveen Kumar, Laura Keefer, Adam S. Ward, Antecedent Conditions Control Thresholds of Tile-Runoff Generation and Nitrogen Export in Intensively Managed Landscapes, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 58(2), -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2022-01-27
- Rohit Nandan, 우동국, Praveen Kumar, J. Adinarayana, Impact of irrigation scheduling methods on corn yield under climate change, AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT, 255, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2021-09-01
- 우동국, W. J. Riley, A. Paez-Garcia, A. R. Marklein, Z. A. Mekonnen, X. Liu, X. Ma, E. Blancaflor, Y. Wu, Impoverishing Roots Will Improve Wheat Yield and Profitability Through Increased Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiencies, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, 126(9), e2020JG005829, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2021-08-27
- Homin Song, 우동국, Qina Yan, Detecting subsurface drainage pipes using a fully convolutional network with optical images, AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT, 249, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2021-04-30