- 단행본
- 고재홍, 김민영, 박권생, 최윤경, 사회심리학, 시그마프레스, 2018
- Min Y Kim, Yochanan Bigman and Maya Tamir, International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Elsevier, 2015
- 수상
- 장려상, 한국심리학회, 2023-08-19
- 장려상, 한국감성과학회, 2020-11-20
- 논문
- Maya Tamir, Atsuki Ito, Yuri Miyamoto, Yulia Chentsova-Dutton, Jeong Ha Choi, Jan Cieciuch, Michaela Riediger, Antje Rauers, Maria Padun, Min Young Kim, Emotion regulation strategies and psychological health across cultures, AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST, online(online), online, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2023-12-01
- Kyueun Han, Min Young Kim, Do you feel the same way I do? Relationship between efficacy of emotion regulation strategies and affective convergence, CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, 43(10), 9216-9229, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2023-08-11
- 김민영, 한규은, Why do we vent our emotions and blame others during the coronavirus pandemic? The role of emotional clarity in the United States and South Korea , International Journal of Social Psychology, 온라인, 1, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2023-03-27
- 김민영, 한규은, Social Motivation to Comply with COVID-19 Guidelines in Daily Life in South Korea and the United States, BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 12(7), -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2022-06-27
- 김민영, 한규은, For me or for others? The better-than-average effect and negative feelings toward average others during the COVID-19 pandemic, CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, -, 1-9, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2021-11-16
- 한규은, 김민영, Mechanism of the better-than-average effect in moral issues: Asymmetrical causal attribution across moral (vs. immoral) contexts, ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA, 226, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2022-03-31
- 한규은, 김민영, 난임 여성의 출산에 미치는 영향 요인: 신체활동 강도를 중심으로, 한국모자보건학회지, 25(3), 197-203, 전국규모전문학술지(Domestic Professional Journals - NRF Registered), 2021-07-26
- 김민영, 한규은, 생활 요인이 난임 여성의 2년 이내 출산 횟수에 미치는 영향, 보건정보통계학회지, 46(3), 309-314, 전국규모전문학술지(Domestic Professional Journals - NRF Registered), 2021-08-18
- Yeseul Jung, Young Woo Sohn, Min Young Kim, Emotion regulation and job stress: The mediating effect of relationship quality in the US and Korean samples, CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, 39(4), 1106-1115, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2020-08-31
- 김민영, Mohsen Joshanloo, Emese Foldesi, Relationship Between Emotional Expression Discrepancy and Life Satisfaction Across Culture and Personal Values, CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, 39(4), 1087-1097, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2020-08-31
- 김민영, 박주원, 허수민, 권지혜, 여성혐오 단어에 대한 노출이 명시적, 암묵적 여성혐오 태도에 미치는 영향, 한국심리학회지: 문화 및 사회문제, 26(3), 283-301, 전국규모전문학술지(Domestic Professional Journals - NRF Registered), 2020-08-26
- 한규은, 김민영, 손영우, 김영훈, The effect of suppressing guilt and shame on the immoral decision-making process, CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, , -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2021-03-19
- 김민영, 한규은, 감정노동자들의 부정적 정서가 정서소진에 미치는 영향: 정서조절의 매개효과를 조절하는 상황 요인 검증, 감성과학, 22(4), 45-56, 전국규모전문학술지(Domestic Professional Journals - NRF Registered), 2019-12-30
- M. Joseph Sirgy, Dong-Jin Lee , Seolwoo Park, Mohsen Joshanloo, Minyoung Kim, Work–Family Spillover and Subjective Well-Being: The Moderating Role of Coping Strategies, Journal of Happiness Studies, , 1-11, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2019-12-05
- Joseph Sirgy, Min Young Kim, Mohsen Joshanloo, Dong-Jin Lee, Michael Bosnjak , The relationship between domain satisfaction and domain importance: The moderating role of depression, Journal of Happiness Studies, , 1-12, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2019-08-19
- Joseph Sirgy, Min Young Kim, Mohsen Joshanloo, Michael Bosnjak, Is Subjective Ill-Being Related to Islamophobia in Germany? In Search for Moderators, Journal of Happiness Studies, 20, 2655–2675, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2019-12-11
- Netzer, L., Gutentag, T., Kim, M. Y., Solak, N., & Tamir, M. , Evaluations of emotions: Distinguishing between affective, behavioral and cognitive components, PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES, 135, 13-24, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2018-12-01
- 김민영, 사전 정보 없이 판단하는 선거 후보자 인상평가 및 선호도에 있어 평가자 요인이 미치는 영향, 한국심리학회지: 사회및성격, 33(2), 23-41, 전국규모전문학술지(Domestic Professional Journals - NRF Registered), 2019-06-14
- 김민영, 한규은, 정서조절을 통한 다문화 이주민에 대한 정서 변화, 한국심리학회지: 사회및성격, 32(3), 83-99, 전국규모전문학술지(Domestic Professional Journals - NRF Registered), 2018-08-30
- 김민영, 김소희, 감정노동의 장기화에 따른 개인의 직무 중, 직무 외 정서조절 차이, 한국심리학회지: 산업 및 조직, 30(4), 589-605, 전국규모전문학술지(Domestic Professional Journals - NRF Registered), 2017-11-30
- Tamir, M.,Schwartz, S. H., Oishi, S., & Kim, M. Y., The Secret to Happiness: Feeling Good or Feeling Right?, JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-GENERAL, 146(10), 1448-1459, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2017-10-12
- 한규은, 김민영, 손영우, 죄책감과 수치심의 억제가 도덕적 판단, 의도, 행동에 미치는 영향, 감성과학, 19(3), 121, 전국규모전문학술지(Domestic Professional Journals - NRF Registered), 2016-09-30
- 김민영, 박형인, 직장인의 정서조절에서 마음챙김, 인지적 재평가, 그리고 주의회피의 관계, 한국심리학회지: 건강, 21(4), 829, 전국규모전문학술지(Domestic Professional Journals - NRF Registered), 2016-12-30
- Min Young Kim, 수정보완된 CRT-RMS의 한국 적용성 연구, 한국심리학회지:일반, 33(3), 591-607, 전국규모전문학술지, 2014-09-30
- Min Y. Kim, Brett Q. Ford, Iris Mauss, and Maya Tamir, Knowing when to seek anger: Psychological health and
context-sensitive emotional preferences, Cognition & Emotion, , online, 국제전문학술지, 2014-10-27